Madaa Creative Center Organizes Open Days for Children and their Families in Silwan and the Old City

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Madaa Creative Center - Silwan held three open days in its two branches Wadi Hilweh and Batn Al Hawa in Silwan, as well as in the Old City of Jerusalem, where dozens of children and parents participated.

The deputy director of Madaa center, Sahar Abbasi said: “The open days have received a lot of interaction, appeal and appreciation by the audience. It was remarkable that the parents were enthusiastic about this type of activity, especially the fathers. There were remarkable competitions and contests between the children and the parents. The open days included several activities, such as face painting and Dabkeh performances for the beginner and advanced groups at Madaa Center which formed as support for these groups”.

Abbasi added: “One of the most important goals of these open days was: to offer an area to unwind for children, young people, and their families, especially under the pressure they are exposed to in terms of the lack of places to play in, and the harassments by the settlers, especially in Batn Al Hawa area. As for the purpose of the open day being in more than one area, it was in order to give a chance to the largest possible number of children to benefit from the activities provided by the Center”.

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